2-1 Registration
All Top Dog participants must pre-register prior to the start of competition. Each contestant will be entitled to two runs with their registration. These two runs comprise one “round” of competition. Most events will only offer one round of competition but some may offer two, three, or even more.
Once all of the contestants have registered, the Term-LAB meter will assign a random competition order for each contestant.
2-2 First Run
Contestants shall line up and compete based upon their assigned number (1, 2, 3, … n).
There are no “qualifying” runs. Every run will be conducted as a “head-to-head” style match-up between the “Challenger” and the “Top Dog”. (The first run of the day will be between two challengers. The winner of that run will become the first Top Dog of the event.)
When both contestants are ready to compete, the Term-LAB meter will call out or display “Ready!, Set!, Go!” to start the run. If a contestant begins playing music before the Term-LAB system announces “Go!”, that contestant will “Red Light” and receive an SPL reading of “0.0”.
2-3 Target SPL
Each contestant’s “Target SPL” for a given run will be calculated individually. The first 10 seconds of each round is used to accomplish this task. There are four possible target values available; 129.9, 139.9, 149.9, and 159.9. The target value that will be used for the remainder of the run will be the lowest target value that is greater than or equal to that contestant’s average SPL at the 10 second mark.
The run begins. At the 10 second mark the contestant’s average SPL is 137.7 dB. The target SPL for this contestant will be locked in at 139.9 dB because 139.9 is the lowest target value that is greater than or equal to 137.7. Once the target value is locked in, the contestant may not exceed that value during the remainder of the run or an “over shot” violation will occur and the contestant will receive an SPL reading of 0.0 for the round.
2-4 Winning a Run
To determine the winner of each run, Term-LAB will only compare the xx9.9 portion of each contestant’s SPL reading to his or her target SPL. The contestant whose SPL reading is closest to their target SPL will win the round. This technique allows contestants with different target scores to compete against one another.
Contestant A finishes the round with a 129.9 dB SPL reading. Contestant B finishes the round with a 149.8 dB SPL reading. Contestant A would win the round because his SPL of 129.9 is closer to his target score of 129.9 (0.0 dB difference) than Contestant B is to his target score of 149.9 (-0.1 dB difference).
The winner (“Top Dog”) of each run shall REMAIN in the lane to defend his or her position.
2-5 Points
To win at Top Dog, a contestant must accrue the most points (“high score”) during the course of the competition. The contestant with the highest point’s balance (“high score”) at the end of the event will be the winner.
Basis Points are awarded when the following actions occur…
All contestants receive a 1000 point bonus at the start of a new run “cycle”.
Contestants score 1000 points each time they win a run.
Contestants are awarded 100 “bonus” points for EACH SECOND their SPL reading is equal to their target score.
Contestants are awarded 200 “bonus” points each time an “overtime” extension occurs. (See “Overtime” below.)
The winning contestant of an overtime run will be awarded half of the losing contestant’s point’s balance. (See “Overtime” below.)
In the event that both contestants have “red light” violations, or in the event that both contestant’s have simulteneous “over shot” violations, 1000 points will be deducted from each contestant’s point’s balance. (See “Special Circumstances” below.)
There is also a point “multiplier” that will be applied which is based on the current run “cycle”. Basis points will be multiplied by this value at the time the points are awarded.
Round One (All events will have at least 1 round consisting of 2 runs)
The points awarded for the first run of the first round will be the basis points multiplied by 1X.
The points awarded for the second run of the first round will be the basis points multiplied by 2X.
Round Two (Optional)
The points awarded for the first run of the second round will be the basis points multiplied by 3X.
The points awarded for the second run of the second round will be the basis points multiplied by 4X.
Round Three (Optional)
The points awarded for the first run of the third round will be the basis points multiplied by 5X.
The points awarded for the second run of the third round will be the basis points multiplied by 6X.
2-6 Overtime
There are no “tie-breakers”. If the SPL readings for two contestants are tied when the 30 second clock elapses, the following actions will take place…
BOTH contestants will be awarded 500 “bonus” points.
A 10 second time extension (“overtime”) will be applied to the run.
The meter will CONTINUE to run.
This process will automatically repeat until there is a winner.
The winner of an overtime run will be awarded HALF of the loser’s current point’s balance.
2-7 Second Run
When all of the contestants have completed their first run, the second cycle of runs will begin.
The current Top Dog will remain in the lanes.
Contestants shall line up and compete based upon their assigned number in REVERSE order (n, … 3, 2, 1).
Competition will continue in the same fashion as the First Run cycle.
2-8 Additional Rounds
When the round is complete (all contestants have completed both of their runs), the event promoter MAY extend the competition with additional registration rounds.
Only participants from the previous round of competition may re-register.
The current Top Dog is not required to re-register but he or she must defend their position.
The competition will continue with the First Run for the new round and continue through the Second Run of the new round.
2-9 Conclusion
Competition placement is based on each contestant’s points balance at the conclusion of the event. The contestant with the “High Score” wins.
2-10 Special Circumstances
If BOTH contestants “Red Light”, OR have simultaneous “Over Shot” violations during a run, the following actions will take place…
Each contestant will be “docked” 1000 points.
The Term-LAB meter will reset and automatically start 30 seconds later.